Conference Venue (HOTEL): Registered Participants will receive a comprehensive list of recommended HOTELS in Rostock. Please ask IFV BAHNTECHNIK for assistance >>> CONTACT Important: Participants need a personal CHECK-IN-CARD to enter the conference rooms. Registered participants will receive their personalised check-in-card via e-mail or at the check-incounter (after payment procedure) Public Transportation: Deutsche Bahn City map >>> OSM City information >>> Wiki (DE), (EN)Tourist information >>> Rostock ### |
Information in german language:
>>> IFV Bahntechnik (Startseite / Homepage)
>>> 1. IFV Bahntechnik (Wer wir sind / Was wir tun)
>>> 2. Tagung (Terminvorschau, Tagungsarchiv)
>>> 3. Forschung
>>> 4. Literatur (Fachbücher Bestellungen)
>>> 5. Service
>>> 6. Netzwerk (Personen, Firmenförderkreis)
>>> 7. Info & Presse
>>> 8. Kontakt
Bahn-Nachrichten (Start Nachrichten-Server der IFV-Redaktion)
Railway-Network (NEWS in ENGLISH)